10th foxhole meeting

The 10th foxhole is around the corner. foxhole meetings aspire to assist independent curators and self-organized entities; the project is interested in creating and supporting its own safe zone or “foxhole” of self-sufficiency in Stockholm.

Collaborative Enthusiasm

In the sea of independent cultural workers and artists working to get projects off the ground and the constant search and struggle to acquire funding, how do we harness enthusiasm when starting from scratch? How do we develop meaningful, ongoing collaborations and build both an artistic and curatorial community within Stockholm—with or without funding? Where is the boundary between artist and curator—especially when collaborating with others while acting as both? Projects to be discussed by Isis Marina Graham (with the assistance of Alida Ivanov and Kali Malone):

» The Experience Experiment is an artist-run curatorial platform interested in just that— experimenting with experiences. Aiming to provide a foundation and structure for developing, organizing and exhibiting works-in-progress and encouraging creative collaborations that result in stimulation of the five senses.

» HICCUP: Hub for Independent Curators and Creatives United in Production is a meeting ground and resource center for people working in the fields of art, architecture and design. We aim to put on collaborative exhibitions, seminars and workshops, as well as build a library of both texts and materials so as to make it easier and cheaper to make ideas come to life. In time, we hope to develop a curatorial residency in Stockholm.

» TITWRENCH builds community, conversation and support around female-identified and gender-queer artists in the experimental, outsider and fringe realms. Our mission: CELEBRATE and EMPOWER female-identified artists and musicians who are pushing the boundaries of genre and form. CULTIVATE community and collaboration among lady artists artists, unconventional music, feminist thought, art and ideas and INSPIRE collaborative works among ladyz in Denver Colorado, Stockholm Sweden and places beyond with educational workshops, panels, discussions, community events, music showcases and dance parties. CREATE inclusive, fun spaces for all participants of our events and provide educational opportunities and workshops for our community to grow and learn together.

“While: Empty Timeline
A Presentation & Installation by Nathalie Fougeras

Foxhole Meeting #10
Date: Thursday, 11.14, 2013
Time: 7-9 pm
Location: Minibar Artist Space
Address: Hälsingegatan 33, 113 31 Stockholm
T-bana: Odenplan / S:t Eriksplan

7 – 7:30 pm: Introductions
7:30 – 8 pm: Isis Marina Graham’s presentation + Q&A
8 – 8:30 pm: Nathalie Fougeras’s presentation + Q&A
8:30 – 9 pm: Networking

Note: All meetings are open to the general public. Refreshments await.

November’s Invited Speakers

Isis Marina Graham is an artist, independent cultural producer and project coordinator who is working on a wide scope of projects which tend to focus on contemporary art, community, collaboration, experimental and documentary film, feminism, radical food and independent music. In the past, she worked as an editor the arts magazine formerly known as Illiterate, worked as a coordinator for art events, fashion shows and concerts, was a radio DJ, and has worked extensively with books and words. Originally from Colorado, she grew up in home that was both a private residence and public museum. She holds a BFA in Experimental Filmmaking from The University of Colorado and an MA from Stockholm University’s International Masters Program in Curating Art.

Nathalie Fougeras explores critical readings of the media or environments which shift readings into a distorted place or subject utilizing installation or performance. Fougeras’s installation acts are interested in attraction vs. repulsion for both ubiquity and paradox. She uses various techniques and mediums: installation, sound art composition from field recording, video performance, mixed realities, collage, image, text and sound. Fougeras is a French-Swedish artist with a post-graduate degree in Arts Décoratifs from National Art School ENSAD (Paris) and studied Art at Université Paris 1 & 8 (Doctor of Science, Technology and Aesthetics of Arts). She was the producer of “Stream On You” at the Digital Center for Media Art (Brussels). From 2010-2012, Fougeras was artist / curator of the Laboratorium Gallery in Västernorrland County. Since 2012, she has served as art director of the Hörlursfestival and the collaborative project Lab Gallery.


Peripheral Collaborators
Alida Ivanov
Kali Malone
Oscar Guermouche
Marja-Leena Sillanpää

Image (left): Untitled. Photo by Isis Marina Graham. Image (right): Untitled. Photo by Nathalie Fougeras

For more information, go here.
